Hanzhi CNC 2019 Nyab Laj Tshuab Tuam Txhab Exhibition

Lub Kaum Hli 10, 2019, WISDOM tau koom nrog Vietnam Machine Tool Exhibition.Hauv qhov kev nthuav qhia no, WISDOM CNC Tshuab Co., Ltd. tau nqa qhov tseeb CNC dabtsi yog khoov tshuab WSD-10032, nruab nrog qhov tseeb loj-screen CNC system, uas tuaj yeem simulate dabtsi yog khoov, thiab ua tiav lub hom phiaj ntawm "siv cov xov tooj ntse, koj tuaj yeem ua tau. kawm khoov";Yooj yim, yooj yim kawm, yooj yim pib;

Txhawm rau hloov kho cov ntawv hlau txiav nyob rau sab hnub tuaj Asia, Kev Txawj Ntse tau tsim lub tshuab kho qhov muag fiber ntau laser txiav HZ-D3015A, nrog lub cev loj ntawm 3000mm * 1500mm, ib lub platform, nruab nrog IPG laser generator, uas muaj sai dua. txiav ceev thiab siab dua kev ruaj ntseg ntawm lub cev, ua tau raws li qhov ua tau zoo ntawm kev tsim khoom.

Ntawm no Nyab Laj Tshuab Tuam Txhab Exhibition, Hanzhi CNC Wisdom exhibition cheeb tsam tau nrov heev, ua raws li Tuam Tshoj txoj cai "Belt and Road", mus tob rau hauv cov teb chaws Asia kom coj ntau ntse CNC dabtsi yog khoov tshuab thiab fiber ntau laser txiav tshuab rau txhua daim ntawv hlau ntau lawm enterprise. , kom ntau lub lag luam tuaj yeem txaus siab rau cov txiaj ntsig thiab kev yooj yim coj los ntawm Tuam Tshoj txoj cai "Belt and Road".

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Post lub sij hawm: Mar-02-2023